Experienced. Thorough. Attentive.

Strong Defense When You Are Charged With A Crime

When charged with a misdemeanor or felony crime, contacting an attorney should be your first priority. Time is of the essence and you need aggressive representation. At my law office, Robert W. Davis, Jr., Attorney at Law, in Tupelo, Mississippi, I have successfully handled various criminal law cases.

I Defend Against State Charges

  • Drug offenses: If you have been charged with possession, manufacture, or possession with intent to distribute, I will fight to protect your rights. I have years of experience representing clients charged with drug crimes, and I will use that experience when fighting for you.
  • Homicide: I provide aggressive defense for clients charged with murder, capital murder and manslaughter.
  • Internet crimes: Clients who are facing criminal charges involving use of the internet can count on me to defend them. I understand that mere allegations of internet sex-related crimes can have far reaching and lifelong implications, and may require that you register as a sex offender. Whatever the charges you face, you have the right to an effective and diligent representation from a criminal defense lawyer.
  • Other violent crimes: At Robert W. Davis, Jr., Attorney at Law, I represent clients facing a wide range of charges. From assault and battery to sexual assault to attempted murder, I will provide an aggressive criminal defense. Many of my Mississippi and Tennessee clients come to me after being charged with a sex offense while at the Natchez Trace.
  • DUI/DWI and traffic violations: If the police charge you with a DUI/DWI, you could lose your license. I have assisted many clients with both the administrative and criminal components of their DUI. In addition, I represent clients in matters involving traffic violations, including leaving the scene of an accident, reckless driving and vehicular manslaughter.

I Defend Against Federal Charges

  • Drug offenses: Often, conviction on federal criminal charges has more severe penalties than state charges. Criminal defense attorney Davis has years of experience defending clients in federal court against drug crimes charges. If you face criminal charges involving illegal drugs or a controlled substance in federal court, contact me to begin building your defense.
  • Internet crimes: Allegations of sexual criminal misconduct and illegal internet activities can have lifelong ramifications. If convicted, mandatory registration as a sex offender will follow. I believe that regardless of the type of charges you face, every U.S. citizen has a right to an effective and zealous defense. At Robert W. Davis, Jr., Attorney at Law, I provide nonjudgmental, aggressive criminal defense for clients facing internet sex-related criminal charges in federal court.

Call For Successful Litigation

I represent clients charged with traffic violations, assault and battery, white collar crimes, and murder. For more information or to schedule a free consultation, please contact us via email or call 662-269-4454.