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Going through a divorce when a couple does not have children

On Behalf of | Apr 28, 2022 | Divorce

The end of a marriage can bring serious complications for both parties, even if the couple does not have children. Childless couples often focus primarily on a fair division of their finances, and money can be the source of complex and contentious disputes between parties as they navigate the divorce process. In addition to a fair division of marital property, a couple will also want to consider the possibility of spousal support.

Main financial issues in a divorce

In a divorce that does not involve children, a spouse will have specific financial issues that will likely be the main concern. These include identification of separate property, spousal support and division of assets. Financial conversations are often some of the most sensitive and emotionally challenging of a divorce, and a Mississippi spouse will benefit from preparing in advance.

Couples who do not have children still face emotional challenges during a divorce. These struggles can make it even more difficult to navigate sensitive financial matters, gather important documentation and make smart decisions. Despite the strong emotions one may feel, it is critical not to allow these feelings to dictate important decisions.

Seeking a strong future

The goal for any financial settlement is to secure terms that allow a Mississippi spouse to have a strong future. When going through a divorce, it is best to focus on what will make the most sense long-term when negotiating a financial agreement. Before agreeing to terms or making any important decisions, it will be prudent for a spouse to speak with an experienced family law attorney.