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Financial security after a gray divorce

On Behalf of | Jul 15, 2021 | Divorce |

The end of a marriage will bring significant financial changes regardless of how old the two spouses are, but this is especially true when one spouse is age 50 or older. A gray divorce can compromise one’s plans for the future, especially retirement, but there are steps that allow a Mississippi spouse to secure his or her financial interests long-term. With preparation and a focus on making smart decisions, it is possible to have security and stability after a gray divorce. 

A prudent course of action 

First, it is helpful to keep emotions out of difficult decisions during divorce. How one feels now is not always a good indicator of what will actually be beneficial long-term. A spouse will also find it beneficial to ask about and obtain information on every marital asset as he or she has a rightful to claim to all marital property. 

It is also helpful to remember that spouses may still owe on marital debt and accounts accumulated during the marriage. In the pursuit of a fair financial settlement, it is reasonable to seek a final order that does not leave one spouse with an unfair portion of debt. Many facing a gray divorce find it better to negotiate an agreement and settle out of court, but that is not always possible. 

The best future possible 

Retirement dreams and one’s plans for the future do not have to go by the wayside during a gray divorce. Any Mississippi spouse facing this process will find it beneficial to work with an experienced attorney at every step. With the right help, it is possible to secure terms that allow one to look to the future with confidence.  



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