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Your attorney has the knowledge to help with your divorce case

On Behalf of | Apr 25, 2019 | Divorce, Firm News

No two divorces are alike, and that’s why it’s a good idea to ignore the advice that anyone other than your attorney attempts to give you. While your friends and family may have your best interests at heart, the reality is that they don’t know all of the factors that could affect your case.

When you’re ready to file for a divorce, it’s important for you to gather information regarding your assets and any reasoning for your divorce. For example, if you want to file for divorce based on adultery, you should bring evidence of your spouse’s adultery to your attorney’s office. You should also bring a list of assets, so your attorney can review it and tell you if there are other assets that you should be looking for.

If you have children, divorces can be complicated, but your attorney can help walk you through the steps of setting up a parenting plan and custody schedule. If you don’t believe that your soon-to-be ex-spouse should have custody, then you need to gather evidence to support your claim for sole or primary custody. Doing this helps you show why the other parent isn’t a suitable support for your children and why you believe it’s in their best interests to stay in your care the majority of the time.

Our website has more information on going through a divorce and why it’s important to work with an attorney who is experienced in divorce cases. Your divorce may be complex, but with help, you can resolve it quickly, so you can move on.