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Successfully co-parent this Halloween

On Behalf of | Oct 19, 2018 | Firm News

It’s the middle of October and that means Halloween is upon us. Costumes line the aisles of stores and pumpkins sit outside houses. Your child is excited. They have their outfit ready and can’t wait to go house to house for candy.

This is the first Halloween after your divorce and you don’t want to miss out on any of it. You’re not quite sure how to approach this special day, but want to talk to your ex about it.

How should you start?

As you know, successful co-parenting is all about communication. You will want to reach out to your ex as soon as possible. Don’t wait until the last minute to make a plan. Chances are the two of you can find a compromise that allows both of you to enjoy Halloween festivities with your child.

What types of plans are there?

In order to have a successful Halloween, you have to make sure you figure out what works best for your unique circumstances. Your parenting plan might already account for Halloween. Make sure to double check that first. Otherwise, consider these options:

  • Enjoy the evening together: If you and your ex are amicable, it’s possible that you could take your child trick-or-treating together. This option sends a great message to your child and allows them to have fun with both parents.
  • Divide the evening up: It may not work for you and your ex to take your child out together. Talk about splitting the evening up. Your child will get to enjoy trick-or-treating in two neighborhoods and possibly double their candy haul. Not only that, both you and your ex would get quality time with your child.
  • Divide the Halloween festivities: Schedules can pose conflicts. If it doesn’t work for both you and your ex to take your child trick-or-treating that evening, make plans on different days. One of you can carve pumpkins, make caramel apples and attend the school party with your child. The other parent can take your child out to get candy.

You and your spouse should really talk through all of these options. Always consider how the plan will impact your child. If the two of you are comfortable, you may even ask for your child’s input. Lastly, remember to make safety a priority. Present yourselves as a united front when discussing safe trick-or- treating habits.