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Why are more older women initiating divorce?

On Behalf of | Sep 15, 2023 | Divorce

Gray divorce, or divorce at 50 or older, has now become a phenomenon projected to keep rising. With more available research, an emerging trend surfaces: older women initiating divorce.

An American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) study reveals that older women are increasingly driving gray divorces more than men in 66% of cases despite potential financial risks. But they may have more reasons other than society’s evolving attitudes toward divorce.

What drives older women to pursue gray divorce?

As healthy life expectancy becomes longer, older women feel more encouraged to take on divorce. They would rather spend their days with a fulfilled disposition than stay in a broken relationship.

Per AARP’s findings, older women’s impetus for divorce also stems from the following factors:

  • Pursuit of happiness: Making necessary economic adjustments to prioritize a state of bliss
  • Financial independence: Assuming more competitive roles in the workplace
  • Acceptance of family dynamic shifts: Only waiting for the adult child to leave the nest
  • Recognition of clashing priorities: Acknowledging that goals have gotten out of sync

As each family situation is unique, other significant elements may still come into play that can push older women to seek divorce. In some cases, abuse or infidelity may trigger them to finalize their decision.

What can empowerment do?

Regardless of who triggers the divorce, both parties must feel empowered to express their concerns about how they want to move forward in the relationship. Both parties can work with their Mississippi counsel to understand the far-reaching consequences of divorcing later in life.